Ken Sakamura: A true foreseer of IoT, too unknown in Europe but so important for the world

Gérald Santucci

Gérald Santucci

President of European Education New Society (ENSA) Association

June 29, 2024

He is a man who too few people know in the European Union.

The first time I met him was in 2007 during a professional trip in Japan, thanks to the mediation and courtesy of a friend of mine at Hitachi, Ryo Imura, while I was looking for collaboration on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) between European Commission’s DG CNECT (then DG INFSO) and the Japanese ecosystem. I remember a man of great knowledge and intelligence, but also of wisdom and kindness, and strong stamina to lead change and solve problems.

His name is Ken Sakamura. Link to the text.