It’s heartening to witness the rapid growth and evolution of the Malaysian Digital and Internet industry. The need for a dedicated platform where stakeholders can converge to exchange ideas, showcase innovations, and address pertinent issues is paramount in fostering further development in this dynamic sector. We are delighted to announce the forthcoming Hypernet of Things (HoT)…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Gérald Santucci

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that?I couldn’t say if actually I met IoT or if IoT met me. Probably the two movements happened concurrently. I first learned about IoT at the end of 2004 while considering to draft a communication on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) at European Commission’s DG…

  • AI Regulation: And Now?

    Gérald Santucci: AI regulation is more than ever on the political and societal agendas – the Council of Europe Framework Convention, the EU AI Act, the AI governance frameworks and policies pushed by several international/multilateral institutions, and the national initiatives in many countries of the world. Beyond the hype, what general remarks can we make…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Karmen Franinovic

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that? Difficult one! I think it was in 2002 in Ivrea – but we used the term connected things (more than 2 things ;), not sure about ItO. I remember brainstorming ideas about distributed urban lighting in my first day in Ivrea, so the…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Diego Casado-Mansilla

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that? In early 2008, we proposed a bid that was then transformed into a European project called: DiYSe. The objective of the project aimed to enable ordinary people to easily create, set and control applications in their smart living environments as well as in…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Dalton Oliveira

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that? First time I heard about IoT was when I heard about ABINC (Brazilian IoT Association). Back in 2016. Did you think it was something big then or just another technology? The more I read about IoT (2016), I realized that I had worked…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Tomaž Vidonja

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that I think it was in 2009/2010 when we were preparing a national project to address new technologies. We created a consortium of public research institutesxand private tech companies joined in a IoT CC – Competence Centre. Based on that we started the international…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Toby Considine

    In the mid-90s. I was giving talks on the “enterprise-responsive building” as a faculty member of the Institute of Facilities Management. By 2000, I was evaluating proposals for the “Green Registrar” services, scheduling classes into rooms that would minimize energy use during early morning, late afternoon (consolidation) and then looking into university classroom schedules interacting…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Lara Srivastava

    I first came across IoT around 2003/2004 when I was working on emerging tech as part of the new initiatives / foresight programme i was managing at the UN/ITU. I believed it was going to be a key element of our future technological and social landscape and I pushed for it to be the subject…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Ann Light

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that? IoT was the European term that came up during the first decade of the new millennium for what the US was calling calm technology or ubiquitous technology at that point. I recall Rob doing a lot to make that term stick. When Claire…