• IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Angela Tumino

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that? 2011, a ‘visionary’ consultant came to our university (Politecnico di Milano) and suggested us to launch a new line of research on IoT. I’m a management engineer, and we start to discuss with our colleagues of the informatics&electronics department to figure out what…

  • IoT Council: Three questions on IoT: Gérald Santucci

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that? I first learned about IoT in 2004 while considering to draft a communication on RFID at European Commission’s DG CNECT. The phrase caught my mind during discussions with academia (ETH Zürich, Auto-ID Center) and industry (SAP, ie “sense and respond », EPCglobal). A…

  • IoT Council: Three questions on IoT: Pierre Métivier

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that? « On January 28, 2009, I walked into the office of Dominique Guenaux, founder of the Orfidée company, for one of the many “networking” meetings that keep executives and freelance consultants on the lookout for new contacts and opportunities. Dominique showed me, neatly…

  • If you have some time

    Dear all, Something else. No hurry. I am writing a text on the origins of IoT and am asking a few experts these three questions: When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that? Did you think it was something big then or just another technology? What were your dreams, hopes for…

  • Citizen Jury on Consumer Internet of Things (IoT)

    A citizen jury is a way to understand the public’s opinion on specific subjects that, in turn, helps to inform how we write our guidance. Impact Research conducted a citizen jury on our behalf to find out what the public thought about Internet of Things (IoT) products. The research focused on IoT products available to people on…

  • the 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS 2024)

    the 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS 2024). Organized by Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, MLIS 2024 will be held on November 17th-20th, 2024 in Kampar, Perak, Malaysia with rough program as below:November 17th, 2024 (Sunday) RegistrationNovember 18th, 2024 (Monday) Welcom Speech, Keynote Speeches, Poster/Oral…

  • EuroCyberSec 2024

    Program Committee: Workshop October 23, 2024, Krakow, Poland The highly successful EuroCybersec2018 Workshop was Co-Sponsored by the Horizon SerIoT Project, and resulted in 145,000 accesses to its Springer proceedings. Similarly the EuroCybersec2021 Workshop was co-sponsored by the Horizon IoTAC project, and by now its Proceedings have received 28,000 accesses. We are organizing the EuroCyberSec2024 Workshop,…

  • asvin and cyber agency present cyber research at MIT

    Stuttgart, Halle/Saale, Cambridge, MA, USA, May 2024 – The transatlantic research alliance MANTRA is redefining the way cybersecurity information is shared. The alliance includes Stuttgart-based asvin GmbH, the German Federal Agency for Innovation in Cybersecurity GmbH (Cyber Agency), the leading US research institute MIT and other German research institutions. In view of the increase in new…

  • The DOSS project establishes a “Supply Trust Chain” by integrating key stages of the IoT supply chain into a digital communication loop to facilitate security-related information exchange.

    The DOSS project establishes a “Supply Trust Chain” by integrating key stages of the IoT supply chain into a digital communication loop to facilitate security-related information exchange. The technology includes security verification of all hardware and software components of the modelled architecture. A new “Device Security Passport” will be defined, containing security-relevant information for hardware…

  • The new secure IoT Trust Chain, its concept, procedures, and tools 

    The new secure IoT Trust Chain, its concept, procedures, and tools will be validated. Validation will comprise an assessment of operational performance, efficiency of communication exchange between the various stakeholders, the operation of the new security modules, as well as the measurement of security improvements of the protected operations. Three demonstrations will be organized with…