Z-Inspection is a general inspection process for #ethicalai that can be applied to various domains, such as business, healthcare, the public sector, and many others. It uses applied ethics to assess trustworthy AI in practice.  The Z-Inspection process has the potential to play a key role in the context of the new EU AI Act. Z-Inspection® Initiative and Trustworthy…

  • Generative Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Business And Society,

    raj.kosaraju@gmail.com Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various aspects of business and society, offering innovative solutions and driving transformation in multiple domains. Here are some amazing ways generative AI is changing business and society: Overall, generative AI is unlocking new opportunities for innovation, creativity, and efficiency across various industries, while also raising important ethical and…

  • Nature Positive Economy: An Opportunity and a Responsibility for the IoT Community 

    Gerald Santucci History is accelerating. The acceleration of change concerns not only Science and Technology, but policy and governance as well. We are witnesses of phenomena that are deemed to transform human activity and the relationship between Humankind and Nature. It is also due to transform the very Idea of Man and the principles and…

  • 👏 We would like to give a special thanks to all our Ambassadors who are collaborating to make the #IOTSWC24 possible!

    Check them all out 👉 https://lnkd.in/dqpYsCx ABINC – Associação Brasileira de Internet das Coisas | ABIPTI – Associação Brasileira das Instituições de Pesquisa Tecnológica e Inovação | ADRIQ | Agoria | Applus+ IDIADA | AMITS Asociación Profesional | ASEITEC | ASRC – Association des Sociétés de Recherche sous Contrat | ASTRI – Hong Kong Applied…

  • Disposable Identities? Why Digital Identity Matters to Blockchain Disintermediation and for Society

    Abstract Many smart contract applications—or more precisely blockchain-based digital ledger technologies (DLTs) proliferate. And yet, without accounting for the identity dimension and the different authentication regimes, there is little chance that these technologies will gain widespread use, and their disruptive innovation potential will not be realized. A growing number of digital interactions in which we…

  • The Internet of Things: Foundational ethical issues

    This paper surveys foundational ethical issues that attach to the Internet of Things(IoT). In Section 1, we provide an overview of the technology, indicating both current and future applications. Subsequent sections consider particular ethical issues, including: informed consent (Section 2), privacy (Section 3), information security (Section 4), physical safety (Section 5), and trust (Section 6). Section 7emphasizes that…

  • Real-Time Anomaly Detection at the Edge

    Dalton Oliveira, MBA The budget and team-building are interlaced. For the topic of this article, a multidisciplinary team with strong knowledge-base and real-world previous experiences in their respective areas make a huge difference. The management way of leading and the technologies to be adopted are the necessary elements to complete the Digital Transformation puzzle: people…

  • Modeling Digital Penetration of the Industrialized Society and its Ensuing Transfiguration

    Johannes Vrana· Ripi Singh The Fourth Industrial Revolution, ushered by the deeper integration of digital tech- nologies into professional and social spaces, provides an opportunity to meaningfully serve society. Humans have tremendous capability to innovatively improve social well-being when the situation is clear, which was not the case during the first three revolutions. Thus, society…

  • Welcome to the IoT World

    If you’re a teacher or tutor Are you a teacher? Great! So we do!Understanding how time-consuming is preparation for the new course or module, we offer you ready materials. Whether you choose to prepare a classical curriculum with DLP projections or an online course, we have an almost instant solution for you. All you need…

  • The 25-Year History of AutomatedBuildings.com

    Automated Buildings Ken Sinclair is the guest on Episode 452 of ControlTalk Now The Smart Buildings Podcast. Ken shares exciting news about what he and the AutomatedBuildings.com editorial board will do at this year’s AHRExpo 25th Anniversary.