• From the Newsletter Nr 4

    Subscribe here. Engineers and computer scientistsIn Asia the engineers lead, in the West they do gadgets, applications and services, leaving the system to populists. Yet their skills and expertise are built for leading not just companies but states. At this moment the legal mindset is the cockpit (just look at the plethora of Acts and…

  • Webinar Agenda: Supply Chain Security

    Webinar Agenda: Supply Chain Security Interpreting New Requirements Guided by Policies and Regulations Date:  Juy 25, 2024  Time:  14:00 CET Registristiation Link: Target Audience:
 Supply Chain Managers and Directors Compliance Officers and Legal Advisors IT and Cybersecurity Specialists
 Risk Management Professionals
 IoT and Technology Experts Moderation: Rob van Kranenburg (CIO, asvin.io)
 Welcome and Introduction Presenter: András Vilmos, DOSS Project…

  • 🚀 Join Our Webinar on Supply Chain Security! 🚀

    🚀 Join Our Webinar on Supply Chain Security! 🚀 Stay ahead of the latest regulations with our DOSS-Project webinar, hosted by internationally acclaimed IoT expert Rob van Kranenburg: “Supply Chain Security: Interpreting New Requirements Guided by Policies and Regulations.” 📅 Date: July 25, 2024   🕒 Time: 14:00 CET   👉 Register Now:  Agenda Highlights: – Introduction: András Vilmos, DOOS Project Coordinator…

  • Ken Sakamura: A true foreseer of IoT, too unknown in Europe but so important for the world

    Gérald Santucci President of European Education New Society (ENSA) Association June 29, 2024 He is a man who too few people know in the European Union. The first time I met him was in 2007 during a professional trip in Japan, thanks to the mediation and courtesy of a friend of mine at Hitachi, Ryo…

  • Participants grew more concerned about privacy and security of IoT over the course of the workshops.

    Participants grew more concerned about privacy and security of IoT over the course of the workshops.Prior to the workshops during the initial engagement, participants did not spontaneously recognise the collection and processing of personal information as areas of concern. Many participants trusted manufacturers and generally felt comfortable with their personal information being collected, however, some…

  • Just before the perfect storm. 1. Newsletter

    In under twenty-five years billions of devices have entered the world. They wereborn as it were in industrial settings, programmed by single purpose led engineers, and built for either passive (to be read by radio equipped devices) or active connectivity (by devices with sensing capabilities). It is quite unprecedented that such an ontological shift has…

  • Raj Kosaraju: First contact: When did you first hear of IoT? In what context was that?

    It describes the network of actual physical objects, or “things,” that have sensors, software, and other technologies built in them with the aim of establishing connections and sharing information with other systems and gadgets via the internet. One of the earliest contexts in which it was discussed was in relation to supply chain management. The…


     It’s heartening to witness the rapid growth and evolution of the Malaysian Digital and Internet industry. The need for a dedicated platform where stakeholders can converge to exchange ideas, showcase innovations, and address pertinent issues is paramount in fostering further development in this dynamic sector. We are delighted to announce the forthcoming Hypernet of Things (HoT)…

  • IoT Council: Three Questions on IoT: Gérald Santucci

    When did you hear first of IoT? In what context was that?I couldn’t say if actually I met IoT or if IoT met me. Probably the two movements happened concurrently. I first learned about IoT at the end of 2004 while considering to draft a communication on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) at European Commission’s DG…

  • AI Regulation: And Now?

    Gérald Santucci: AI regulation is more than ever on the political and societal agendas – the Council of Europe Framework Convention, the EU AI Act, the AI governance frameworks and policies pushed by several international/multilateral institutions, and the national initiatives in many countries of the world. Beyond the hype, what general remarks can we make…